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Leigh Ann Gerk MA, LPC has been in the counseling field for over ten years. She is certified in Pet Loss & Grief Companioning and the founder and owner of Mourning to Light Pet Loss providing individual and family counseling for anyone grieving the loss of a pet. She currently offers 3 free pet loss support groups in Northern Colorado and is excited to branch out and offer more. Having grown up on a farm, Leigh Ann’s childhood playmates included baby calves, horses, bunnies, dogs, and 32 cats that set up house in a boxcar that also served as her playhouse. This upbringing introduced her, at a very young age, to the human-animal bond and instilled in her a deep understanding of, and love for, this extraordinary relationship. These relationships, including the pain of losing a beloved pet, helped Leigh Ann write a children’s book about pet loss and grief called Dear Brave Friend, which was a first-place winner in the 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Leigh Ann and her husband, Andy, live in Loveland, Colorado with their cherished therapy dog, Gracie. 

Mission Statement

Counselor and mentor for those who embrace the gift of the human-animal bond.  


Leigh Ann Gerk, founder of Mourning to Light Pet Loss, LLC is devoted to walking beside and guiding heartbroken families through the difficult journey of losing their beloved pet(s). Through individual and family counseling, including free pet loss support groups, she provides understanding and compassionate support. Additionally, she is a mentor to those working in the animal field, providing educational workshops, informal discussions and debriefings to help alleviate stress, compassion fatigue, and processing the many emotions felt in busy veterinary clinics or crematories.  


Leigh Ann believes that keeping healthy, both as an individual and as a team player, is vital for the continued success of helping those we love the most—our cherished animal friends. 

Leigh Ann Gerk MA, LPC

Pet Loss & Grief Companioning Certified

Phone: 970-966-4585

Leigh Ann Gerk • Copyright 2025

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